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Olá ! Bem vindos à página blog Spice Girls Fans.

Eu sou Ana Paula Felix Sandim ( também conhecida como ANA SPICE GIRL ), uma fã das Spice Girls desde 1996. Junto com minha amiga e fã desde 1996 também, Lea Soraia ( também conhecida como Lea Chisholm ) e meu amigo e fã Alex Castro, o tempero da vida será levado até você por nós aqui este incrível blog: SPICE GIRLS FANS BLOG. Temos muito orgulho de nosso trabalho!What are u waiting for? C´mon!



sexta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2009

Fotos de Mel B em sua cidade natal: Leeds!

Mel B em Leeds saindodo mercado ASDA dia 09.

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Créditos: mcrulesme / Den Den Forums .
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Mel B em Leeds filmando "7 Days On the Breadline".
Sobre o programa:
Spice Girl to go on the breadline for ITV
7 September, 2009 | By Kate McMahon
Spice Girl Mel B, Trinny Woodall, Keith Allen and rugby star Austin Healey will move into impoverished households in Leeds as part of a new three-part series for ITV1.
The programme 7 Days on the Breadline will show the wealthy celebrities moving into households on housing estates, in some cases replacing a member of the household, and trying to survive on the family’s income.
They will also witness community issues on the estate such as long-term unemployment, isolation and the need for positive role models for younger people on the estates.
The 3 x 60-minute series will be produced by Endemol’s Brighter Pictures and was commissioned by ITV controller of popular factual Jo Clinton Davis and Alison Sharman, director of factual and daytime
Clinton Davis said: “We hope that exploring life at the sharp end of modern Britain in this personal and immersive way will bring home the challenges that are being faced on a daily basis by so many today and be an enlightening and enlivening experience for all involved.”
David Flynn and Phil Edgar-Jones will co-executive produce the series and the series editor is Jonathon Holmes.
Flynn said: “Our celebrities are going to step into the shoes of people on the estate and it will be compelling to see how they cope and if they can make a difference. We hope the famous faces will learn much about their hosts, the communities they are staying in - and also themselves. And we’re confident both they and the residents will come away with a positive experience.”
Créditos: Fa86 / Den Den Forums .
Créditos: mcrulesme / Den Den Forums .

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Diga Viva Spice Girls! Spice Girls: O tempero da vida! Twitter Oficial: Tudo sobre a Mel B: Site Always Melanie B. Twitter Oficial: O site Vagalume é parceiro do site Victoria Beckham Brasil. Parabéns do blog ao site!


Um blog em inglês sobre as garotas. A blog in English about the girls.


Muito Spice Girls em nossas vidas.Começará dia 31/10/09.BOA SORTE!