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Eu sou Ana Paula Felix Sandim ( também conhecida como ANA SPICE GIRL ), uma fã das Spice Girls desde 1996. Junto com minha amiga e fã desde 1996 também, Lea Soraia ( também conhecida como Lea Chisholm ) e meu amigo e fã Alex Castro, o tempero da vida será levado até você por nós aqui este incrível blog: SPICE GIRLS FANS BLOG. Temos muito orgulho de nosso trabalho!What are u waiting for? C´mon!



terça-feira, 8 de setembro de 2009

Geri está no Nepal em missão da UNFPA.

Mensagem do site oficial:
Hi, Just checking in as it’s been a while. I’m off on a mission to Nepal as part of my work for the United Nations Population Fund. The trip is to highlight the need for maternal health care especially in undeveloped countries. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world and has gone through a lot of political unrest, so the UNFPA are sending me over there to promote health, education and bring attention to women who are subjected to violence in the home. It’s not a pretty subject matter, so much so that the media sometimes find it a tough subject to cover. Having said that I feel it’s important to let these women know that they are not forgotten and give them a voice. Education and health is the real source of empowerment so I’m off to congratulate the politicians and people on the ground level who have the courage to really help. I’ll be heading out to the villages to speak directly with women who have faced such difficulties and in addition I will be meeting with the Prime Minister of Nepal. I feel truly grateful that I have been given this opportunity to go and learn something new about the world and experience a different culture. Take care Geri.x
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Créditos: Getty Images.
08 September 2009

Geri Halliwell on Mission to Nepal to Highlight Impact of Maternal Death, Injuries

KATHMANDU/LONDON — Former Spice Girl, Geri Halliwell, a Goodwill Ambassador of UNFPA, the United Nations Population Fund, will be in Nepal from 6 to 9 September to highlight the devastating effects of maternal death and injuries such as uterine prolapse on women in the country. A mother herself, Ms. Halliwell will witness efforts to make motherhood safer in the country.

During the mission, Ms. Halliwell is expected to meet women who have suffered uterine prolapse, witness the life-threatening conditions in which women deliver, and highlight efforts by Nepalese women, government, health and development workers to promote maternal health and help achieve the Millennium Development Goals.

Sometimes called a ‘fallen womb’, uterine prolapse is a condition in which a woman’s uterus drops from its normal position in the pelvis, and sometimes begins to protrude outside the birth canal. If not treated, the uterus can slip completely outside the body. Women suffering from this condition live in constant pain, with difficulty in most basic activities. The prolapse can be triggered by unassisted labour, inadequate obstetric care and some harmful practices after delivery, such as insufficient diet or very tight binding of the abdomen as well as premature return to heavy daily work.

In Nepal, about 1 in 10 women are estimated to suffer from it, reaching an approximately 600,000, according to a 2006 survey, with some 200,000 in need of immediate corrective surgery. Such surgery is relatively inexpensive—depending on proximity to a hospital, it costs about $350—though it is still out of reach of most of Nepalese women. In addition, on average, a Nepalese woman has a 1 in 31 lifetime risk of maternal death. Risks are much higher for those in the most remote areas.

“Uterine prolapse underlines why it is critical to fulfil the visionary Cairo consensus goal of providing universal access to reproductive and maternal health for every women, wherever she lives in Nepal or anywhere in the world," said Thoraya Ahmed Obaid, UNFPA's Executive Director. "Every maternal death or injury, such as uterine prolapse and fistula, emphasizes the urgent need for all leaders and members of the international community to fulfil their commitment to deliver for women as they deliver. UNFPA will fulfil its commitment, and will continue to urge wider cooperation to achieve the Millennium Development Goal on maternal health.”

During her goodwill mission for UNFPA, Ms. Halliwell will also join Nepal’s Prime Minister in launching a campaign to stop violence against women.

“As well as constant pain, women who suffer from uterine prolapse or fistulas are at much greater risk of domestic violence because their conditions are considered shameful and they reduce their ability to work. This campaign is a major step forward for Nepal, and I applaud the Government for improving maternal health and helping to stop violence against women once and for all,” said Mike Foster, The UK’s International Development Minister.

UNFPA supports Nepal in the fields of reproductive health, women’s empowerment and population and development strategies. It supports the Government in improving the delivery of quality health services, such as emergency obstetric care by ensuring that there are well-trained health workers and necessary equipment. Access to voluntary family planning, skilled attendance at birth and quick transportation to maternal health facilities are among the most effective means of reducing deaths and injuries during pregnancy or childbirth.

Créditos: UNFPA.

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